Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Poo poo Potty

Piper has successfully poo pooed on the potty!!! She went to bed Saturday night after a long and irritating trip back from BWI (grr...when it takes 5 hrs to get to Hagerstown from Baltimore there are some real idiots on the road)...anyway after about 30 min of sleep I hear a "Mommmmmy" so I go upstairs and Piper's room smells a bit so I figure that she has poo pooed. Well I was wrong (it was just a fart), but Piper was trying to go and I asked her if she wanted to go poo poo on the potty she said yes and guess what...she went no problems at all! I think this is easier than peeing on the potty. Now anytime she goes poo poo and I ask her if she wants to go on the potty she says poo poo potty and goes with ease. I'm so proud of her...so proud I even took a picture of her first time, but will leave that for those who want to see it :o)


Angie said...

Go Piper!!! Will has decided that his potty is now for playing again and not for his pee pee's.... sigh... we'll try again in the spring time!!

Angie said...

If you don't update this thing soon I'm gonna hack into your blog and do it myself!!! Seriously though... Will is requesting new videos!!