Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Daddy Time

Daddy doesn't get to spend much time with Piper (due to his work schedule), but when they do spend time together it's so much fun to watch.  He is so goofy with Piper and turns into such a big kid!  I think she'd prefer to play with Daddy more than Mommy any day since "dahee" is so much more fun.  Piper loves and I mean loves hats, but the funny thing about it is she won't wear it forward.  It's always backwards or sideways and Daddy took the opportunity to teach Piper how to be a real "thug".

Like father like daughter

"Here Daddy, you try this one"
"Nah, you can have yours back"

"Nigh-nigh" Time
Piper has started a new thing where she will lay down and say "nigh-nigh".  This night she laid down a blanket to pretend too.

Daddy decided to join Piper in storytime before night night

"okay enough pretending, i don't wanna go nigh-nigh"
"i don't wanna go nigh-nigh" is Piper's new phrase everytime we head upstairs.  As proud as I am of her first full sentence, I wish it hadn't been that one because it's so hard to get her to go upstairs even to change her now.