Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Larriland Farms

Last Friday, Angie invited us out to pick some blackberries and raspberries at Larriland Farms.  I wasn't sure if Piper was going to be bored or out of control, but she was actually quite the little helper in the blackberry field.   She was even able to to distinguish between the ripe and not ripe ones...what a smart little girl :o)

"Come on guys!"
"See Mommy this one isn't ripe"
Let me inspect this further
Maybe I should go ask
Aunt Angie how about this one?
Angie's little helper
Too cute!  Piper wanted to hold Angie's hand
Lunch with Daddy afterwards


Angie said...

She did so good with the blackberries... I was really amazed that she knew to just pick the black ones. But seriously, that picture with me holding her hand... not a good angle for Aunt Angie's butt!!! hehe.

And on a completely separate note... she looks soooo old eating that spaghetti!!